Ben 0.8.3

By Lorand Dali
Ben 0.2 is a free and open source bridge AI engine released by Lorand Dali 2022-06-04.
As Ben is open source, so it's possible to access the the code, which make it possible to understand how it works and change it if it does not. It's also possible to modify it, extend it and build different products and ideas on top of it.
The engine is built using machine learning (neural networks) and double dummy solvers through the python wrapper python-dds.
How the engine works in details.
The engine is far from being perfect and there are still a lot of work to do, but it has reached a state where it could be useful. It's not superior over human experts or even over other bots, but it really plays a decent game,
There is a demo available where it's possible to click through a few deals the engine has played and it will shows how it works and what is in the bot's "mind" when it makes a certain bids/plays.
It's also possible to run the engine and play against other the bots.
The engine can also be used to do analysis, study the game or build another AI. It can be used in an app which needs a bot. An illustration of what is possible are available in the tutorials. One example is, giving the engine a hand that has been played on BBO and it will analyze each bid and each card played.
Meet Ben, a bridge AI with a difference
How to train a neural network.
Deep Neural Networks for Double Dummy at Bridge - Lorand Dali
How Neural Networks Learn to Bid. Article on Bridgewi nners with comments. (new)
Deep Neural Networks for Double Dummy at Bridge (new)
Pete Hollands tests Ben on IntoBridge. Links to the videos are available at the IntoBridge section.
For more details please take a look at the github repo. The author looking forward for feedbacks and all comments will be read.
Additional Installation Instructions for Installation of Ben: (updated)
Setup of Ben for Bridge Moniteur: (updated)
Installation Problems
If there are Installations problems, go to this article on Bridgewinners.
A solution to problems maybe can be found there or questions can be asked about problems...
Ben is integrated into the Online IntoBridge service!
Ben is also available on BBO for limited/test use in group "Ben and Friends" Daily. Contact Lorand Dali on BBO for access to the group. There is also a feedback Forum about Ben on BBO. (new)
Ben has participated in a number of pair competitions on BBO with other bots. (new)
Test of Ben January 8-21 on BBO. (new)
Recorded plays of Ben & Friends Daily on BBO, showing the Winners Play (new)
2024-05-27 Ben using system 2/1 (Thorvald Aagaard's version) was participating and won!
Test of Ben with different models
The last video shows Ben playing with latest and best model so far.
Ben vs WBridge5 - model 1125
Eamon Galligan has setup three matches in Bridge Moniteur, where Ben using model 1125 (original model) plays against WBridge5 5.2.
Ben with model 1125 vs WBridge 5.2
Ben with model 11.25 vs WBridge 5.2 - Kitkat Kirwan League match
Ben vs WBridge5 & Q-Plus - model 1125 - only bidding
A test has been made to evalute the strength of Ben with model 1125 compared with other bots, WBridge 5.12 and Q-Plus 15.3. Only bidding is included as Ben's card play is to flawed to include in the competition..
Ben vs WBridge5 & Q-Plus - model 1272
Eamon Galligan has created a new training model with 3.2 million hands and 1 millions lessons, which improves Ben's bidding. There are three files in each package. Installation: Two subdir to be created in the models subdir for the files, 1272_model and 1272_info. The file in src directory to be edited to point at the new subdirs.
Ben with model 1272 vs WBridge 5.2 - 240 Boards
Ben vs WBridge5 & Q-Plus - model 448 - Only LIN-files
Ben - WBridge5 & Q-Plus - latest model (GIB-model) (new)
A match with the latest improved version of the SAYC-model has been setup against WBridge5, using the boards from Camrose 2024.
Ben did very well and lost with only 12 IMPs. It was a big improvement compared with earlier matches vs WBridge5!
The LIN-files can be viewed with BridgeVu, NetBridgeVu and Handviewer.
Ben with GIB model vs WBridge 5.2 - Camrose 2024 - 160 boards (new)
2024-02 I made some tests of Ben with the latest improved version of SAYC, to find out which progress the developers, Thorvald Aagaard & Co hade made since the last test one year ago..
The test was made against WBridge 5.2 and Q-Plus Bridge 15.7.
Four types of board were used:
1) Most of the strengths on one pair - 2) The strength divided equally between the pairs. 3) Random boards 4) Goulash boards
Ben lost all matches against WBridge 5.2, but has improved since the test one year ago. Here is my summary of the performance in the match against WBridge 5.2 with Type 1 boards:
If Ben had not made simple mistakes in declarer play, by refusing to finesse and not bid Blackwood correctly, the difference would be about + 50 IMP' for Ben and Ben would have won the match. Of course, there are also some bidding and defense issues. On the other hand, Ben outbid WBridge 5.2 in the slam bidding on several boards! The result of this match was 157 - 192.
The result of the other matches against WBridge 5.2:
Type 2 95 - 206 Type 3 130 - 294 Type 4 95 - 161
As seen, big loses in all three matches. There are a lot of improvement work to do for Thorvald & Co...
Against Q-Plus Bridge Ben had a much better result:
Type 1 245 - 151 Type 2 149 - 131 Type 3 147 - 148 Type 4 225 - 204
As seen, 3 wins, very well done by Ben against the top bot Q-Plus Bridge!
The last two matches are available as VuGraph videos:
Ben with a 2 over 1 Model vs GIB 6.20 2024-05-27